
Granny has been incarcerated, the fairytale has faltered and now something is gnawing at Joe.

Granny has been incarcerated, the fairytale has faltered & now something is Gnawing at Joe.
Selvage is a show about unravelling tightly wound modern anxieties and a boy’s reckoning with his gnaw. the show uses physical storytelling, puppetry and a live, original score from Anna Mullarkey to explore the many ways people try to calm themselves while a ”gnaw” waits not far from the surface. Fast, funny and full of heart, Selvage was Nominated for 2 Irish Times Theatre Awards, Best Actor for writer and performer James Riordan and Best Lighting Design for Lighting Designer Sarah Jane Shiels.
Originally Developed through Druid’s FUEL programme, Selvage had 2 sell out runs in Galway in 2019 before embarking on a 10 venue national tour in 2022.
‘a fun and irreverent show that will put a smile on many a face. James Riordan is a live wire entertainer who creates a feeling of madness for all to enjoy.’
– No More Workhorse
Written and performed by James Riordan
Original Music by Anna Mullarkey
Directed by Lara Campbell
Produced by Jill Murray
Dramaturg: Hanna Slattne
Lighting Design by Sarah Jane Shields
Set Design by Gavin Morgan
Puppetry design by Gala Tomasso
Prop/Mask design by Orla Clogher
Brú Theatre are Artistic Director James Riordan and Creative Producer Jill Murray. Our Associate Artists are Anna Mullarkey, Julianna Bloodgood and Philippa Hambly.

Additional Info

There is a social narrative available for this event. Some people find new places and events difficult and may find a social narrative helpful. You can find it here: Smock Alley Social Narrative

Funded by The Arts Council, and Galway City Council. Supported by Town Hall Theatre and Druid.

All spaces in Smock Alley are accessible by wheelchair. Please inform the box-office at the time of booking of your accessibility requirements. Boys’ School access is through the fire escape door which opens directly out on to Exchange St Lower. There is a step up to this door but we have a temporary ramp that we put out for access requirements. Smock staff will always be on hand to assist.

Event Type

In Person


Smock Alley Theatre - Main Space

Event Runs

12th -
13th January 2024

Event Schedule

Fri, 12 Jan, 2024. 7:30pm
Sat, 13 Jan, 2024. 3:30pm
Sat, 13 Jan, 2024. 7:30pm


70 mins


€20/€18 Concession

Event Type

In Person


Smock Alley Theatre - Main Space

Event Runs

12th -
13th January 2024

Event Schedule

Fri, 12 Jan, 2024. 7:30pm
Sat, 13 Jan, 2024. 3:30pm
Sat, 13 Jan, 2024. 7:30pm


70 mins


€20/€18 Concession

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