First Fortnight Quarantine HYGGELIG Community News- Part II

Hygge; the practice of creating cosy and congenial environments that promote emotional wellbeing

So for all of us who have never attended the Late Late Toy Show- here’s one for everyone in the audience!! A genius created this list of free things available to all during this “domestic holiday period.” Paul Timoney is like Pixar- a godsend for parents right now but entertaining for all ages. Here’s a 30 minute storytelling performance that you can watch and join in at home :) While some of us have mastered the fine art of watching everything on Netflix or have taken to resembling cats curled up by our windows looking outside for entertainment and distraction, others have written a book in 2 weeks to help people cope with the current shenanigans. By others, we specifically mean Brendan Kelly, who is donating the royalties from this 99c digital book to medical charities assisting with the global response to the Corona virus.  The HSE have also created some children illustrated stories here to help explain around if they need to go to the testing centre. Mental Health Reform have gathered and continue to gather mental health supports available, which you can find here For Some Good News- how about a Some Good News channel? John Krasinski from The Office US show has you covered and has created just that. If you are feeling a Soap withdrawal symptoms, here’s a SNL video to help tide you over. Curious just how far 2km is from your home? Sadly not everyone is 2km within distance of Glendalough but you can find out exactly what is in your 2km vortex here. Our first list of events you can attend online can be viewed here. Artists and organisations are welcome to keep sending events to us, we will do it weekly if you get it in to before 1pm each Monday. Quiz lovers missing their pub quizzes or people who enjoy being puzzled and have to think for longer than they’d like to admit about thing like- “just what were the 6 weapons in the Cluedo game” – you will love the Jimmy Carr The Little Tiny Quiz Of The Lockdown!! He’s doing it each day at 6pm, with the answers at 8pm. Sure you could cheat shamelessly and look everything up on line OR challenge your family or housemates to a daily chore war, with the winner getting chore immunity. Not everyone is Jamie Oliver and that is okay. If you can’t face another ready meal and need help with receipe inspiration, especially based with limited ingredients, this website is quite helpful! People have had trying times with their neighbours and loud music or working out noises, but there are creative ways to address these problems. Workout instructors are also creating helpful no jump and no noise workouts, to help keep the peace with neighbours…..but you can pretend you never saw this sentence if you want to- no judgement here! Buzzfeed have created this list of 22 People Who Are Handling Social Distancing in Creatively Entertaining and Wholesome Ways. And Finally after Patrick Stewart’s soothing tones last week, we thought we’d go a slightly different direction this week. Here’s Samuel L Jackson reading a new book. PS I’m really sorry if like myself, you don’t have a fireplace which seems like all the rage with HYGGE- but here’s an alternative I’ve been using :) (works really well on a projector screen!) PPS Please do send us in images of your HYGGE moments/recreations/alternatives!!

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