Music & The Mind Podcast: Upcoming Guests & Topics

A sample of guests and topics that will feature on the new Music & The Mind Podcast.

Hosted by acclaimed musician Shane Mitchell of Dervish and psychologist and musician Shane Martin, this podcast delves into music’s profound impact on the life journeys of industry pioneers. Expert insights from the fields of health and well-being provide a psychological lens and explore scientific theories behind the transformative power of music.

Below is a small sample of the wide variety of guests and topics that will feature on the podcast.


Michael Mary Murphy

Michael Mary Murphy is a lecturer on popular culture, the music industry and management at Dun Laoghaire, IADT. He worked in the Dublin punk DIY scene and for major labels in New York and London. He writes about punk, youth culture, the music business and role-playing board games.


Martin Hayes Artist and Composer.

Martin is a world renowned and award winning Irish traditional fiddle player. As well as his exceptional artist abilities Martin is a repected voice and author in Irish Traditional music and has published a book called Shared Notes- A Musical Journey

Dr David Lewis BSc (Hons), D.Phil., FISMA, FRSM, AFBPsS, Chartered Psychologist.

Professional author,  Award winning   Broadcaster, Psychologist. Chairman and founder of Mindlab. A neuropsychologist dubbed the ‘father of neuromarketing’ due to his pioneering work in this area during the late 1980’s, David is a widely published author of many bestselling books.

Dr Josie Nugent

As a Music Therapist, Musician and Author, Dr Nugent has developed innovate ways to help older people with dementia re engage through the use of cultural songs and dance music. She has published a book called Music Therapy and Autism across the Lifespan

Paul Noonan

Paul Noonan, a Music Therapist and Singer-Songwriter hailing from Lucan, County Dublin, is renowned for his roles as a vocalist, multi-instrumentalist, and frontman of the Irish group Bell X1. Additionally, he has made a significant impact as a solo artist and collaborator on diverse musical projects.


A taste of topics which will be covered in Series One


Bereavement and Hurt: Can music soothe a broken heart?

Music therapists have been employed by hospices for decades. Much of this work has been with clients who are dying. However, music therapists also contribute to bereavement programmes too.

We chat about the role music plays in bereavement and also chat about the role music plays in funerals.

Flow: How does music induce flow and what are the benefits? 

Flow is a mental state in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energised focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. Musicians are very familiar with this experience.

We chat about what exactly constitutes psychological flow, why it is important and the pitfalls associated with it. 

Anxiety: Can music calm a troubled mind? How does music relax the body?       

With growing rates of anxiety, especially since the pandemic, we need to be open-minded about strategies that may help promote a sense of calmness. Many people maintain that music helps them relax. 

We chat about what evidence there is about music reducing anxiety. Is there a particular genre of music that calms people? Or is the experience very subjective? 

Memory: How does music affect memory and what are the benefits?             

Research has confirmed benefits in improving recall and reactivation of the mind for patients who listened to music. Health professionals maintain that it has a positive role in the management of dementia.

We chat about music and memory and how some songs remind lodged in our minds. We also explore how music can bring us back in time and help us visualise situations and feelings form yesteryear. 

Depression: Can music lift mood?                                                                                   

In a survey conducted during the pandemic 94 per cent of people said listening to more music helped lift their mood. Some songs can make us feel happier and more energised. 

We chat about the role music can play in lifting mood and some songs and tunes that seems to have a positive affect on mood. 




The Music & the Mind Podcast will launch this Sunday, Jan 7th in Smock Alley Theatre at 4pm.
Tickets can be booked here

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